haddock 🐟

blog update oct 23

: Oops! I forgot to update my site! ⏰ 2 minute read

Hi everyone! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Well, the reason for that is because the school year started once more and I’ve been using my Markdown editor to mostly just uhh, take notes in class. I’m trying to figure out if there’s a way to dynamically generate Kekule structures on the go for web, but that’s been a bit Trying, so it might be a while before I can upload my chem notes here. I like to put my notes online even if they’re not too comprehensible, because I think it’s a good way for me to go back and review them. But I’m definitely not going to spend a lot of time working on that for now, because I have an exam next week and I still need to master alkyne reactions and their stereochemistries. Fun stuff all around. I really like this subject even when I suck at it!

There are a couple more drawings on the way, and I’ve updated my fanfic Ojifans, which you can find here: ch. 1 // ch. 2.

My (website) hopes for the future:

  • Upload new art that I’ve drawn since the last update
  • Keep uploading the backlog of old art from 2020
  • Finish another fanfiction
  • Format chemistry notes for an online forum
  • Figure out some fun stuff with Javascript (I’ve been thinking of recreatign Privatter’s password form, because I want to make people solve a puzzle to get to certain pages. For fun. And I’ve also been thinking of making little online quizzes, but I have to figure out a Neocities-friendly way to do that.)
  • Upload the rest of my flashcards (It is rather tedious to do this, which is why I’ve only done a few chapters worth of vocab terms…)

Here’s a song that I liked recently:

If you know what this is from, you know… :^)

How have you been? Hope you have been doing well too.

― haddock,
